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Next Cohort Starts October 22nd

Fares- PT, Life Time, Professional Athlete

Meet Life Time Academy graduate, Fares! Fares is currently a Personal Training Manager for Life Time, Inc. He started his PT career upon graduation from Life Time Academy and hasn’t stopped changing lives since! Here’s what Fares has to say about his student experience:

Life Time Academy was perfect for me at a time when I was switching careers. I was a professional basketball player with a B.A. in Accounting and Management, but had a passion for coaching. I wanted to learn a proven system that would make me a master coach and guarantee results with my clients. I also wanted to work for Life Time so I needed to immerse myself in the systems and culture, and start building relationships. 

 The program I joined was designed to prepare me to pass the NASM exams for CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), CES (Corrective Exercise Specialist) and PES (Performance Exercise Specialist). It also guaranteed a future interview with the company. It all sounded like a home run to me! My instructors were patient and knowledgeable. The group learning was helpful because I was able to partner with other future coaches and implement what I was learning. I took advantage of the office hours and I always asked a lot of questions. 

 After completing the program, I was prepared to pass the all 3 exams and I felt qualified to secure the personal training position and impact as many lives as I can. Thank you to all of my instructors for your guidance and support.  



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