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Next Cohort Starts October 22nd

Fares- PT, Life Time, Professional Athlete

Meet Life Time Academy graduate, Fares! Fares is currently a Personal Training Manager for Life Time, Inc. He started his PT career upon graduation from Life Time Academy and hasn't stopped changing lives since! Here's what Fares has to say…

Marco- Dreamer, ’18 PT Grad, NASM CPT Certified

My journey began after hitting a major slump and the gym was there to pick me up and help me regain my life. At the time, my life was uncertain in part, because  I am a DACA recipient, or Dreamer,…

Premier Personal Trainer Course Starts Today!

Premier Personal Trainer Course Begins

Apply Now to start the Premier Personal Trainer course! The Premier Personal Trainer course provides the baseline knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to prepare you to be successful in the fitness industry. Premier Personal Trainer Course Includes: 8 weeks, 94…

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